be born in 地方造句?
1、They that be born in a business always know more about it than any'prentice. ()生在做小买卖的家里的人,总是比半路出家的人懂生意。
2、 It was said that someday a child would be born in this village.据说将来有一天这个村子会有个小孩诞生。
结论:诞生的近义词是出生 解释原因:诞生和出生是同义词,作为一个词语的变通,两个词语的意思都是指一个新生命的开始。
There's a lurking variable which is just that people are more likely to be born in June. 有一个隐藏变量,那就是大多数人都是在六月出生的But he is to be born in Bethlehem! 但他将会是在伯利恒诞生!The elephant calf is the first to be born in Australia. 这可是澳大利亚头一回有象宝宝出生!“The Devil took me to be born in Russia, ” wrote Alexander Pushkin. 亚历山大·普希金曾写道:“恶魔让我生在了俄罗斯”。
I'm the one who was unlucky enough to be born in this barren26 country. 我出生在案件这么少的国家才倒霉呢。
They that be born in a business always know more about it than any 'prentice. 生在做小买卖的家里的人,总是比半路出家的人懂得多些。
If I am born earlier, perhaps be born in other country, won't get such bestowing. 如果我出生得更早,或者出生在其他国家,就不会得到这样的恩赐。
Can a country be brought forth in one day, or a nation be born in a single moment? 一个国家岂能在一天之内产生吗?一个民族岂能在一时之间诞生吗?。
1.The next time round I'm gonna be born in the countryside, guaranteed.下辈子我要生在乡下,一定。
2.If you were lucky enough to be born in Okinawa,如果你很幸运生在日本冲绳3.But I understand that in China it's good fortune to be born in a year of the pig.但是我知道,在中国,出生在猪年象征着有福气。
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